The mission of Pocono Mountain Christian School is to equip students to become followers of Christ while promoting academic excellence through a Biblical worldview in a safe and loving environment.
Biblical Worldview
At PMCS, we believe that all truth is God’s truth and that true learning begins by knowing God. This principle is embedded in every subject taught. Our goal is to offer a Christ-centered education for students that empowers them to become life-long inquisitive learners, creative and critical thinkers, innovative leaders, effective communicators, flexible collaborators, and ambassadors for the kingdom of Christ.
Academic Excellence
We believe that students learn best through hands-on, movement-rich, multi-sensory learning experiences. Students will engage in exploratory learning through a workshop model with leveled groups. This allows students to learn at their own pace while offering autonomy and choice in their learning. The leveled groups also mean that educators are differentiating instruction to meet each child’s specific and individual needs. Small classroom sizes and teacher to student ratios allow for this one-on-one attention to happen in an effective way. Students will engage in weekly chapels, health and physical education, art, and music class. As our student body grows and more grade levels are added, we look forward to a sports program. We believe Pocono Mountain Christian School will help your child thrive cognitively, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
Matthew 19:14 states, “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven’”. PMCS seeks to model this invitation. We want our students to know Jesus, to love Him and to have the joy and peace found in a relationship with Him. PMCS’s teachers and staff show the love of Jesus to our students by providing a safe and nurturing environment. Students are loved, cared for, and protected as individuals. As such, they deserve our respect, as we help them mature and grow. Who our students are, how they learn, and what they think is of the utmost importance to us at PMCS – just as it is to Jesus Christ.

Biblical Worldview
Academic Excellence
Loving Environment